created: Fri, 06 Sep 2024 15:21:36 GMT, modified: Sun, 05 Jan 2025 20:00:50 GMT
Ideas and features to implement, in free-form.
- cache metadata as adjacent objects
- reduce the number of file reads
- recursive traversal to get hero pages for main
- use markdown id/classes to indicate front-matter/description?
- in associated with file data source?
- external links and images
- make external links visually different
- cache documents referred (e.g., PDF), and make a markdown copy otherwise
- verify/complain if link is broken
- better shortcodes?
- {{< meta title >}},
- move hard-coded vars into env
- pages folder
- add more data sources:
- images from web cameras to enrich POI
- POI data
- Train/buses schedule directive:
- tables
- support tables from data source (json, csv)
- automatically pick latest pages from folders to present them on the front page
- add online markdown editor, to allow multiple users to work on content the same way
- making "local" changes
- observe results
- commit them to rebuild the site
- allow including markdown files in Markdown documents
- currency converter
- Enabling multi-user:
- spawn and expose somehow a "development" instance of the site
- commit changes to git once done and push them to master branch