Markdown CMS with Svelte and Flowbite
This site works by leveraging Markdown for Context Management, and Svelte framework for building self-contained static pages.
Static Site Generators (SSG)
The idea of compiling static website looks promising and powerful, as a lot of tasks can be offloaded to compiler and build time:
- cross-checking links
- fetching data from external providers
- making page summaries with LLMs
And in case of errors, it fails on compile time, instead of in runtime for the user.
There are a plenty of SSG, collectively known as jamstack, which splits into two archetypes:
Despite the magnitude of options finding the right one seems challenging:
- enforced folder structure
- "rich" templating syntax and extensions
- multiple files for the simplest projects, and theming capabilities
- front-matter and duplication (title, description)
The difference is how HTML is generated, either with one or more template languages, or with front-end frameworks.
Key Requirements
- compile/publish split with compile-time optimizations
- simple to operate public version
- should work on mobile without internet connection
- content automation allowing fetching data from different sources with API and/or scrapers
- APIs are usually badly documented and is a subject to change
- Scrapers are fragile
Development Journey
Obstacles, discoveries and limitations:
- wrongly assumed that picking SSG and using would be much simpler
- inconsistency of parsing link references
- remark-parser behavior change from 8.x to 9.x (switch to micromark)
- mdsvex uses remark-parser 8.x
- remark being overcomplicated compared to marked
- Markdown parsers rabbit hole
- Different language definitions, such as CommonMark and GitHub Markdown
- Multiple solutions even within one language
- Remark
- The most used (active) one is remark framework for JavaScript
- AST and plugins, which seems great
- Parsing Markdown is only the beginning, assembling a working site out of it requires more work (and maintenance).
- Idea to reuse SSG, such as Svelte
- mdsvex journey and parsing Markdown with link references
- syntax highlighting and diagrams
- mermaid is not supported on server side
Implemented features and ideas for future development.
Building blocks:
- marked, Markdown processor and HTML renderer
- svelte, a free and open-source component-based front-end software framework
- flowbite, Tailwind CSS component library
- tailwind, a utility-first CSS framework
Custom-built extensions:
- folder structure
- markdown directives and extensions: poi, route, meta, git
Search Engines Optimization
A proper SSG engine is expected to handle SEO topics, such as:
- minimize CSS and JS bundles
- add metadata to each page, such as title and description
- handle broken links
- generate sitemap and feeds
- content migration to different addressing schema
- content navigation and organization (folders, breadcrumbs, subfolders)